The membership to experience
full body faith alongside sisters

Dear Femme of God,

I know you are yearning for the Truth.

You may think the internet is saturated with self help stuff, and the last thing the world needs is another guru.

You are respectfully unfollowing most people you used to resonate with, declining any book recommendations and decided to just live your life at this point - which is great!

But deep down, you are still longing to deepen your faith & femininity, to be in communion with God.

You’ve had a taste of it through the bottomless amount of New Age things you explored, but you want it to be EVERLASTING!

This is for

I kn

Your Guide


Entrepreneur ~ Embodiment Facilitator ~ Mentor

I embarked on my spiritual quest over 12 years ago. I tried everything under the sun, and it brought me success, but I was always thirsty for more Truth.

It wasn't until I prioritized my connection with my womanly body through embodiment practices that I began to find clarity. However, at some point, I didn't resonate with any spiritual teachings anymore.

Until one day in Crete, I visited a Monastery where I was moved by a profound feeling of love.

As I leaned into that love more and more it led me to the teachings of Jesus. He gave me incomparable peace and discernment. My thirst for Truth is quenched as I walk with Him every day.

In this journey, I’m inspired to blend somatic practices with expressions of faith.

I’d love for us to get together in this co-creation of a feminine approach to be a vessel for His will on earth.

Will you walk with me on this embodied pilgrimage?

Darling, let’s bring all of your infinite wisdom to the body level!

Words from the sisters❤︎

Every Month you will

~Receive powerful and liberating practices that can range from breath, movement, dance, meditation, expressive arts and sooo much more!

~Participate in ancestral circle tradition + journaling practice allowing you to fully be seen and heard in your expression.

~Have a conscious networking opportunity to feature yourself, your art, your services, your products.

~Maintain your momentum & sisterhood connection in between in person events.

Your commitment to body

It also gives you privileged prices + access to many other offers and products from me and other creators in the collective.

A revolutionary place where

Western perspectives meet expressive arts

Shamanic views meet tantric/yogic